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Karl Groves Posts

Links to Resources Discussed in “Improving the Accessibility Game Plan” Presentation

In today’s webinar, I mentioned a number of resources on the web having to do with the Accessibility Game Plan. I’ve listed all of those links here for easier access to those items. Materials Materials for this webinar have been archived by the ADA Online Learning website. You can download full transcript and materials on …

CAPTCHA-less Security

CAPTCHA is perceived as a quick and effective way to stop bots from performing abusive actions on a website. Bots are often deployed to do things like automatically enter spam into email forms or comment forms. They can also be used to submit fraudulent entries in other forms such as registration forms or to voting …

What does it take to call yourself an accessibility expert?

Yesterday, February 28, 2012, the Assistive Technology Industry Association (ATIA) hosted an event titled Taking Accessibility Mainstream: Making the Case for an International Society of Accessibility Professionals as an all-day pre-conference session as part of CSUN. The context for this event is as follows: This forum is intended to bring focus to the needs of …

Testimony Provided before Maryland State Senate, House, 2/15/2012

On February 15, 2012 I provided my testimony before the Maryland State Senate and House of Delegates in support of two bills: Senate Bill 287 and House Bill 183 (both links are PDF documents). The below is the testimony I submitted: My name is Karl Groves. I made my first website nearly a decade-and-a-half ago …

Chasing the Accessibility Business Case – Conclusion

Somewhere toward the middle of this series, someone tweeted a message to me saying “I’m having a hard time telling exactly what it is you do believe”. It will be this post, the conclusion, where I finally outline what I believe regarding the Business Case for Accessibility. Background In Chasing the Accessibility Business Case – …