Archive of previous conference presentations.
WordPress Accessibility Meetup: So, You Want an Accessibility Score? – Karl Groves
All Sizzle, No Steak: Accessibility Overlays – WordPress Accessibility Meetup
Accessibility ROI: Risk Mitigation as Return on Investment (Webinar)
Accessibility Club Meetup #10, Düsseldorf Germany
FrontConf 2020, Data Mining Accessibility, Munich Germany (online conf)
#COVIDMarketing (Ep 83) The Importance of Accessibility, with expert Karl Groves
Overlays Panel at the 2020 ICT Accessibility Testing Symposium
Error Patterns on the Modern Web – A11yBytes A11yCamp Melbourne Australia
AXSChat May 2018
Hidden in Plain View, Beyond Tellerand, Düsseldorf Germany
What Is This Thing and What Does It Do? – NEJS CONF 2018
is dead. Using JavaScript to improve accessible user experience, Fronteers Meetup, Amsterdam NL
At the Fronteers monthly meetup in Amsterdam on November 2016, this presentation discusses accessibility and JavaScript. The first half of this is the same as “Everything you need to know about Javascript Accessibility”, but skip ahead to about 29 minutes in for some different stuff!
Extreme Accessibility – CSUN 2016
To Hell with Performance – Fronteers Spring 2016, Amsterdam NL
F2E Summit 2015: Everything you need to know about Javascript Accessibility. by Karl Groves
Is it really possible to understand JavaScript and accessibility in 40 minutes? This presentation will discuss touch on all of the major concerns with dynamic content and accessibility. It could be awesome or it could be a disaster, but one thing’s for sure: there will be no slides, just live coding.
Web Components, the Right Way – Paris Web 2014, Karl Groves and Bruce Lawson
Modern Web Toolsets & The Next Generation of Accessibility Testing Tools – Open Web Camp 2014
Understanding DOM and its importance for accessibility – Paris Web 2013
Partial list of speaking appearances
- Funka Accessibility Days, Sweden
- GAAD 2017 event, Copenhagen Denmark
- Accessing Higher Ground, Denver Colorado (multiple)
- Elements Conference at Penn State
- Accessibility Camp DC (multiple)
- Accessibility Camp Boston (multiple)
- Accessibility Camp Los Angeles
- Accessibility Camp Bay Area (multiple)
- Association for the Advancement of Assistive Technology in Europe (
AAATE), Budapest (Workshop) - AccessU, Austin TX (multiple, workshops)
- CSUN (multiple, workshops)
- NationJS, Washington DC (multiple)
- ParisWeb, Paris France (multiple)
- Trivago Academy, Dusseldorf Germany
- Better By Design, Madison Wisconsin (workshop)
- Fronteers Spring Conference, Amsterdam Netherlands
- DCJS Meetup
- jQueryDC Meetup
- Refresh Baltimore
- Wordcamp Toronto
- RVA JavaScript Conference
- Inclusive Design 24 (multiple)
- Guelph Accessibility Conference
- Web Conference at Penn State
- Open Web Camp, San Jose California
- Digital 360, Baltimore Maryland
- IEEE Information Visualization, Baltimore Maryland
- Accessibility Conference, Toronto
- Annual Conference of the Society for Technical Communications,
Baltimore Maryland - Accessibility Club, Berlin Germany
- Accessibility Club, Nuremburg Germany
- Accessibility Club, Düsseldorf Germany
- Frontend Conference, Zurich Switzerland
- Beyond Tellerand, Düsseldorf Germany