This blog post is part of a series of posts discussing the Business Case for Accessibility. In order to get a full view of the Business Case for Accessibility, I encourage you to read all posts in this series, links to which can be found at the bottom of this post

When hearing discussions regarding the business case for accessibility, accessibility advocates present a large number of arguments which justify making your site accessible. They’ll say “An accessible site makes your site better for SEO”. In the first post in this series, I discussed the types of things that you would want to look for when considering a business case for accessibility. Specifically, I mentioned that there are three things to consider when determining a good business case:

  1. Will it increase our income?
  2. Will it save us money?
  3. Will it help us mitigate risk?

In order for any argument to pass muster with respect to advancing an “Accessibility Business Case”, it has to address one or more of the above items. The strength of the argument should be measured based upon how significant the impact is and how definitive the evidence is. Something that can be proven through data to have a significant increase in online purchases would make a strong business case. Something that “might” cause an increase in purchases and can’t be tracked would be a weak business case.

Cursory Analysis of Common Accessibility Business Case Arguments

With the above as my guide, I’d like to take a stab at analyzing most of the common arguments posed for the accessibility business case. I had intended to post them all in one blog post. Then, 4000 words in, I decided the reader would benefit most by not reading it all in one place. Below is a list of all of the individual arguments:

The below list of posts will be updated as the individual blog posts are finished

My company, AFixt offers full accessibility services from testing, training, consulting, and remediation. If you need help, get in touch with me now!