Depending on whether your company is product-led, sales-oriented, or hybrid, you need a way to determine if your sales and marketing team are performing, with an eye towards using that…
Web Accessibility Viking
Depending on whether your company is product-led, sales-oriented, or hybrid, you need a way to determine if your sales and marketing team are performing, with an eye towards using that…
On September 3, 2019, Maryann Murad and the National Federation of the Blind (NFB) filed a lawsuit against for Employment discrimination. If accessibility is a relatively new topic for you, this might seem like yet another example of the current pattern of ADA troll lawsuits that have been getting a ton of attention lately.
This isn’t the first time that I’ve talked about the “Business Case” for accessibility. In 2011, I created a series of about a half-dozen posts on the topic. Some of my thoughts have refined over the years, though the general message remains the same. Here are my updated thoughts on the ROI of Accessibility.
Recently Tenon received a support request from a customer complaining that their site had thousands of issues in Tenon about their use of tabindex. The customer believed that their use of tabindex was a good thing because the tab order made sense. Here’s a cleaned-up version of the response I sent to them: It creates …
The heavy amount of litigation around accessibility in the United States has claimed another victim: reality. Recently, we had a potential customer ask us “Will you indemnify us if we get sued?”. It was a shocking question, but not the first time we’ve been asked this. Over the years I’ve been asked this many times. …